Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Vitamin E Supplementation Does Not Protect Men Against Prostate Cancer But Might Increase Risk.

Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial (SELECT) found that neither selenium nor vitamin E supplements reduced the risk for prostate cancer in men. An updated version in JAMA went on to further state that Vitamin E supplementation can significantly increase the risk for Prostate cancer.

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Learn While You Sleep. Good Sleep Habbits Improves Memory And Potentially Academic Performance.

According to a study done by Michigan State University researchers, and published in Journal of Experimental Psychology: General People may be learning while they are asleep. The team of researchers who studied 250 people is speculating that this is a different form of memory that is formed unconsciously during sleep and contributes to dramatically improving the waking memory and potentially the academic performance for some individuals.

Simply getting a better sleep might lead to improved performance in the classroom!

Further Reading:

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Monday, October 10, 2011

Monkeys Use Their Brains, Not Hands, to 'Move' Virtual Objects

According to a study done Dr. Miguel Nicolelisat and his team at Duke University Medical Center and funded by the U.S. NIH, monkeys were trained to move virtual hands of an "Avtar" and to identify texture of virtual objects.
This study, with further development, will enable quadriplegic patients to be more independent through the use of this demonstration of a brain-machine-brain interface (BMBI) that establishes a direct, bidirectional link between a brain and a virtual body.

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Boys With Autism May Grow Faster as Babies.

According to a study published in Archives of General Psychiatry "Overgrowth" in length, weight and head circumference may signal a problem in male babies. The boy babies with Autism grow faster than their non-autistic counterparts.
Prior research had found an association between accelerated head growth and autism. This study adds to that by showing that boys with autism have a tendency toward accelerated growth throughout the rest of the body.

Researchers are next planning on doing a similar study in girls.

RNA (Ribonucleic acid) more important than DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) in encoding and decoding of information and origin of life.

The Central Dogma of Biology where DNA makes RNA which further makes Proteins has been much revered in the past by Biologists. It has plagued many evolutionary and origin of life scientists for almost 40 years as to which among these three came first and created the other two. According to current research and understanding (RNA first world) the RNA has been deemed as the candidate of choice that formed first and was able to work as catalyst (ribozyme) in creating first proteins in accordance with the codon sequences in the RNA. Some scientists have been able to create portions of RNA in the lab by recreating conditions that are thought to be present during the possible origin of life in the so called "primordial soup of life". RNA's were then able to pair up and create DNA through changes in the bases and hydrogen bonding to secure the information for the synthesis of evolving pre-life forms. RNA's are also thought to be the first large molecular life forms, so to say in that they could evolve into DNA Virions) and back to RNA (virions) and help synthesize proteins (prions) to evolve into first membrane (proteins) enveloped viruses and later prokaryotic and eukaryotic life forms. Intelligence as we understand is the ability to encode, decode, retrieve and reproduce information needed to build structures that could reproduce and adapt (learn and survive) making RNA as a stronger candidate thean DNA as the central molecule thought to be the first intelligent living chemical evolving from less complex unintelligent matter.

Further Reading:

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Link 5

I encourage you to read more, learn more and to ask more questions.

Thank you,

Dr. Harish Malik